If you look real close ...those little blurry shapes?...see them? those are my new pets! fish! Long-fin Zebra Danios actually...in terms of care and complexity they are about a step above sea monkeys and a couple of steps below a japanese peace lily. I haven't named them yet incase I kill them, or actually, more probably, the larger one (who it turns out is a total asshole) kills and eats the others and then drowns when he finally escapes his tank to try and kill me while I'm sleeping.
These are the first pets I have had in about 10 years. I do not count the cat that stalks through the house at night, hiding behind furniture, clawing up the walls and attacking anyone who comes within 100 paces. firstly the cat is not mine, he (or she, I never bothered to check) belongs to my roommate, and secondly, I hate the cat and frequently fantasize about tying its tail to the vacuum cleaner (I have actually considered buying a roomba for this very purpose).
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