Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It snowed in Atlanta and then the world ended.

It's amazing to think that 2 inches of snow could bring about the end of the world. I'm pretty sure that in cities like Chicago or Denver, or even New York, this would be referred to as "January" but here in the ATL, it has been dubbed The Snowpocalypse.
Actually the problem is not the snow, the snow is white and pretty and there is literally only 2 inches of it, the problem is that following the snow comes the freezing rain, causing the 2 inches of snow to be covered by 2 inches of ice. This is what shuts down the city. So Scoop and I have been stuck in his apartment since Sunday relying on my roommate to feed my fish. As most of my worky stuff is at the studio I can't really finish anything, but we did download the Little Big Planet 2 demo!
anyway, heres a picture that Scoop took from his balcony of the snow and Decatur at night:
...And even more awesome than the snow, the 24 hour diner across the street opened while we were out of town and I am excited about it. 

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